
Hello! I am Sister Whitney Wright. Welcome to my small corner of the vast blogger world! I am currently serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the beautiful area of Charlotte, North Carolina. 

I am the ripe old age of 21 and have put my life on hold for the next 18 months to serve my Father in Heaven. Every day I have the incredible opportunity to help friends increase their faith in Jesus Christ, change their lives, make promises with God, feel the power of the Holy Spirit and enjoy every day God has given them along this path! There is no greater blessing in my life! Before entering the mission field, I attended a university and studied applied mathematics. School has always been one of my greatest joys and I find so much pleasure in learning and expanding myself. 

Aside from burying my nose in math text books I love to sing, play the piano, and decorate cakes! My life dream would be to work in a bakery and decorate specialty cakes for others to enjoy. 

 Being from the West, I love hiking and all things outdoors. There is no greater sense of accomplishment in my mind than making it to the top of a peak, looking back at where you have come, and soaking in the beauty that is all around you. 

Call me biased, but I come from the greatest family a person could ask for. I am the lucky oldest of 5 children, and daughter to the two strongest people I have ever met. 

My father is a physical therapist and has always taught me the importance of gaining an education and working for what you want to achieve. My mother is a full-time mother and the best there is! Everything I am I owe to what I learned from them in the safety of my home. 

My younger sister could sing her days away and is the best friend I have ever had. The 3 boys are a little different story...they are exactly as younger brothers should be- the most obnoxious, hilarious, loving pains you could ever ask for!

This is my life

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